International BBQ & 1th Birthday Party

How many of you have ever believed in something so strongly that you were willing to work tirelessly to see it become a reality? This question perfectly captures the journey of Wirtschaftsjunioren Berlin e.V. and JCI Berlin International.

This week, we celebrated the 1st anniversary of JCI Berlin International – the first english speaking chapter in Germany – which was born on June 26, 2023.

We celebrated this milestone at our annual International BBQ. In true potluck style, everyone brought food from their home country, creating a wonderfully diverse and creative buffet.

Thanks to Stephanie Bräuer for founding this extraordinary community, to Clement Doku for leading JCI BI through this year, to Daniel Brugger for hosting this celebration at #FORTSCHRITT#FORTSCHRITT, to Quang Le / TIMELESS STUDIO and Daniel Navarro Pérez / Auriginal for capturing these unforgettable moments.

Together, we have created something truly remarkable, and the best part? We’re just getting started!