1. Birthday of JCIBI
International BBQ & 1th Birthday Party
How many of you have ever believed in something so strongly that you were willing to work tirelessly to see it become a reality? This question perfectly captures the journey of Wirtschaftsjunioren Berlin e.V. and JCI Berlin International.
This week, ...
International Guests & Podcast
Guests from JCI Netherlands
Our roadtrip adventure continues with our next exciting stop: Berlin! 🇩🇪
In this episode, we delve into the dynamic world of JCI Berlin and the newly established JCI Berlin International. Discover the journey of creating an international chapter in a city as ...
EXPLORING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND ITS GLOBAL IMPACT What an AI-mazing activity we had. Without a doubt artificial intelligence is reshaping how we view the world. From the day to day use of facial recognition on our mobile phones, to it counting the number of seconds you spend on an online post ...
May 23rd is German #Diversity Day 2023 from the Charta der Vielfalt
May 23rd is German #Diversity Day 2023 from the Charta der Vielfalt e.V. – We challenged our members and the members from Wirtschaftsjunioren Berlin e.V. to become game designers. Our goal is to create a game and gamify cultural diversity that helps foster understanding. Why do we want to create ...